Discipleship is a life-long task!
In order to proclaim the gospel and disciple the children of our church we offer a variety of weekly and seasonal opportunities for families to engage in discipleship.
Weekly: We offer Sunday School classes at 9:30am for all ages and a nursery for ages 4 and below. All these classrooms are in the Fellowship Building. During our 10:30am service the nursery is open each week for ages birth to 4. The Nursery is in the Fellowship Building by the church offices.
Seasonally: We have Adventure Club in the Fall and Spring and our Vacation Bible School each June. See below for details.
Adventure Club
The Adventure Club curriculum takes children through a systematic study of theology in the Scriptures. Covering a broad range of theological topics, Adventure Club brings deep theological concepts down to a basic level of understanding through teaching lessons and Scripture memorization.
Adventure Club is on Wednesday nights 6-7:30 in the Fall and Spring alongside Ladies and Mens Bible Studies. The adventure will continue as children bring home activity pages and memory verses to practice with their families!
There are three age groups at Adventure Club: Trackers (Ages 3-5), Scouts (Ages 6-8), and Trailblazers (Ages 9-11).

Vacation Bible School
VBS is an incredible week for kids to focus on a Biblical Theme to better know their creator God and Savior Jesus Christ!. This brings kids the chance to get adults and teens investing in their faith and be a musical, crafting and unforgettable week! VBS will come around each June!