A Week at Bethany
Sunday School
9:30 AM Classes for every age group.
Worship Service
10:30 AM
Sunday Night Service
6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
6:00 PM Fellowship Hall

When You Arrive
One of our greeters will welcome you. Our greeters are ready to answer your questions, and are available to show you where the nursery, child care room, and restrooms are.

What To Expect
Join us for worship each Lord’s Day! Our worship style is mostly traditional. Our pastor’s emphasis is on clear preaching from the Bible, and the main feature of our Sunday morning service is the sermon. Sunday morning services typically last about an hour and a half, and Sunday evening services are about an hour long.

Worship With Us
Our congregational music is a blend of contemporary and traditional music, accompanied by keyboards, strings and percussion. Special music ranges from traditional gospel to contemporary Christian, depending upon the preferences of the musicians. Our goal is that our music be biblically sound and therefore biblically encouraging!

Come As You Are
In our services people wear a variety of clothing styles, ranging from casual jeans and t-shirts to nice dresses and suits. Most are dressed somewhere in between. We suggest that you dress in a manner that’s comfortable to you.

Our Nursery
Our Nursery is available each Sunday Morning and Evening Service. It is for kids birth to 4 but we have many families who have their little ones in the service with them. Our wonderful nursery volunteers would love to tell you more about how the church will care for your littlest ones! The Nursery is in the Fellowship Building.